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Ми цінуємо вашу думку. Залишіть відгук про те, як відбувається навчання.

credit card У тебе залишилася незавершена покупка: занять з 

Відвідай розмовний урок і обговори наступні питання

  1. Have you ever sold any of your personal things? If so, what was the most expensive thing you’ve ever sold?
  2. Are you good at telling stories? What was the creepiest story that you’ve told someone?
  3. How often do you buy new clothes? What was the best thing you’ve ever bought?
  4. Do you like fishing? If so, what was the biggest fish you’ve ever caught?
  5. Have you ever thought of changing your life drastically? If so, what would you do?
  6. What was the weirdest place you’ve dwelt in?
  7. Have you ever built anything yourself? If so, what was it?
  8. What are the most useful things that other people have taught you?
  9. Do you sometimes forget where you put your stuff? What was the last thing you’ve sought for a long time? Have you found it?
  10. What was the most unique or exclusive thing you’ve ever had?